What is messaging?
- Messaging is a method of communicating between software components and applications. Each client can register to a messaging service which provides facilities for creating, sending, receiving and reading messages.
- Messaging enables "loose coupling" in distributed computing.
What is JMS?
- The Java Message Service is an API. It is not an implementation.
- It minimizes the concepts programmer must know to write a rich messaging application.
- JMS enables communication
- Asynchronous: Deliver messages as the client becomes alive;client does not have to request to receive messages
- Reliable: Ensure that a message is delivered once and only once.
- Following figure shows the basic architecture of a messaging system with JMS.
- JMS provider: a messaging system that "implements" JMS interface and provides administrative and control features.
- JMS client: a program or a component that produces or consumes messages
- Administrated objects: Pre-configured JMS objects created by an "administrator" to be used by a JMS client
- Naive clients: all programs that use native client API for messaging instead of JMS.
- JMS specification provides two messaging domains.
- Point-to-point messaging domain
- Has message senders,receivers and "queues".
- Messages producers send a message to a specific queue.
- receiving clients exact messages from queues.
- Each message has only one consumer.
- When the message is sent receiver may or may not present. But when it come alive messages are delivered in order.
2. Publish/subscribe messaging domain
- Message produces sent them to a "topic".
- Publishers and subscribers can dynamically come and go. But messaging system is capable of distributing messages from multiple publishers to multiple subscribers.
- Publishers and subscribers have a time dependency because subscribers can only consume messages that are published after the subscription has done.
- Message consuming can also done in two ways.
- Synchronously: Explicitly fetch messages by calling "receive" method.
- Asynchronously: Whenever a message is addressed, JMS provider delivers it to the "message listener" which is subscribed with that particular consumer using "onMessage" method.
Basic Programming hierarchy
- Create a Contex.
- Create a QueueConnectionFactory or a TopicConnectionFactory using a contex lookup (Java Naming and Directory Interface /"JNID" lookup).
- Create a topic or a queue. Can use multiple topics or queues.
- Create a "connection" (a virtual connection with JMS provider) using connection factory created.
- Create a "session" with the connection created.
- Create a queuesender or a topicproducer using the session created. You have to specify the topic or queue it should send messages to.
- Send or publish the message by queueSender.send(message) or topicPublisher.publish(message);
- Create queueReceiver or topicSubscriber using the session.
- Receive messages by
Message m = queueReceiver.receive();
Message m = topicSubscriber.receive(1000); //timeout time
Additionally JMS API enables you to,
- Subscribe message listeners with subscribers/receivers
- Filter messages using message selectors
- Write custom messages agreed with the API
- Handle exceptions ( The root class for exceptions thrown by JMS API methods is JMSException. Catching JMSException provides a generic way of handling all exceptions related to the JMS API.)
With the next post I will introduce you with "Hello World example"
- Aparche Qpid which supports JMS API
- WSO2 Message Broker which runs on top of aparche Qpid.
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